My listing was disabled on Facebook Marketplace and I was told it violates community guidelines, what do I do?

First, get to know and understand the rules. Below you can find a link to the current commerce community guidelines and policies. Please note – this is not all-encompassing. This is just the best resource we were able to find at the time of writing. It’s always suggested to familiarize yourself with as many terms and policies as you can.

Business Commerce Terms and Policies

Often our items are taken down and the reason doesn’t match the item. Remember, A.I. is reviewing your item as well as 100’s of thousands if not more a day. It will get it wrong. If you are certain it’s wrong, just appeal. If it gets denied, just accept it and move on.  Some tips that have worked for others.

  • Take or use new pictures
  • Reword your title and descriptions
  • Fully delete and repost with new images.
  • Avoid the use of popular brand names in title, description, and images.
  • Accept it and move to a new item.

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